Have you ever gone into a store looking for a product but you can’t remember the name of it or even the brand? You’ve purchased it before. You know where to look for it and can only remember it’s the one with a…
For 15 consecutive year I designed the packaging for Cantina di Negrar’s Novello del Veneto wine. It was released in November along side Beaujolais Nouveau. Each of the designs I produced is distinctly different from the others. There is no commonality of style or consistency of colour. Yet in a field of several competing products, fervent fans of this wine always knew what to look for. It’s “The one with the lion.”
The Lion of Venice is the corporate symbol of Cantina di Negrar. Lions identify Novello del Veneto.
“The one with” factor can apply to a variety of attributes including characters, objects, colours and materials. Like that hot sauce you can’t pronounce the name of but you know it’s red, comes in a clear squeeze bottle with white printing on it (plus a rooster) and has a green cap. You don’t know what to ask for but you can always find it on the shelf.
Part of creating a distinctive package for retail sales involves thoroughly researching the selling environment. If you want your product to stand out you need to evaluate competitors packaging in the same space. You might have envisioned your product in a red package but if several competitors use the same colour your product will be lost in the sea of same.
Unique packaging has a clear advantage when it comes to making your product stick in the minds of consumers. Cereal, pop, shampoo, laundry detergent—think of how many products you can identify at a glance in less than the time it would take to read the name on the package.