A Google search for wine review sites returns 213 million results. The term wine review blogs yields another 62 million. That’s a lot of opinion about wine. But what about wine labels? Outstanding labels may get a mention in a wine review but not the kind of analysis applied to the wine itself.
The wine label may be the most powerful selling tool a wine producer has. For many consumers the label is the deciding factor in making a purchase decision. Given that a consumer has no way to personally evaluate the products on a shelf or online, the label must do the selling. It is the brand’s opportunity to make a connection.

Wine Label Reviews shines a spotlight on wine package design. The focus is primarily on exceptional examples and explores what makes them compelling from a design perspective. Images, colour, type, printing processes and materials are all evaluated and scored as per wine reviews using a 100 point system. So basically 85-100 points with few exceptions.There is another criteria that might be the most important. Does the label express the character and quality of the wine in the bottle? It should. The purpose of the label is to communicate. Everything reviewed will also be tasted.
Most of the products reviewed are from purchases. Wines may be submitted for review but there is no guarantee of posting. There are no paid reviews.
Follow Wine Label Reviews on Instagram @wine.labelreviews and Twitter @Wine_Labels.
Wine Label Reviews is curated and written by Daryl Woods, Creative Director at Pitchcork Wine and Spirits Marketing.